Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kindergarten is so much fun!!!

Alyise absolutely loved her first day of school.
* a poem given to us by the teacher which included two tissues,
three hershey's kisses, and lots of love to help us cope with
leaving them at Kindergarten for the very first time! *
Breanna is happy to be back to play with some old friends and to meet some new ones. But she's not nearly as excited as Alyise was. On Friday we met her new teacher and she got to see her classroom. Then yesterday was the very first day of school.
*Breanna and Alyise,
taking Breanna to school since Alyise is in the P.M. class*
Alyise has been in preschool for about 2 years now. She loves it so much and has learned so much from it. She wont have very much trouble getting started with class and learning. However, she has become accustomed to the ways of preschool: being able to run and play, not having to do work, eating at a certain schedule... and different hours.

*Alyise, ready to run through the gate and play on her first day*

I had mentioned to her teacher that Alyise has a habit that needs to be broken and that I expect to hear of some bad behavior about hers at least once a week. I'll admit it, I won't act surprised. Her dad spoils her and lets her get away with everything. I keep rules and make them listen. Even still, it seems like she has ADHD and doesn't want to sit still for very long. She's super active and I knew that would be something her teacher would bring up eventually.

But not this soon.

After school, her teacher told me that she was acting up and wouldn't sit still on the carpet. Also, that she was getting into the other teachers things and was disrupting class. I told the teacher that we just need to work on the new adjustment. Alyise told her sorry and that she would try harder tomorrow. We'll see how it goes then.

*Alyise blowing us kisses while we say goodbye*

She'll be fine in a couple of weeks and she wont be causing problems anymore, hopefully. At least she's not being mean to any of her new friends. She has a tendency to stick up for those who are being bullied. I don't think it's a bad thing, but it turns her into the bully sometimes and she needs to learn how to let the teacher handle things...

It's me all over again.

I'm not looking forward to her teenage years. I guess I'll just have to enjoy her company and pleasentness now.

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